Fial’s government brought pain, misery and continues to lead the Czech Republic to ruin

Fial’s government brought pain, misery and continues to lead the Czech Republic to ruin
Fial’s government brought pain, misery and continues to lead the Czech Republic to ruin

Despite all the efforts of the media over the past 3 years to support the cult of several previously anonymous politicians, emphasizing their titles and pretended qualities, it has become clear that the Czech public is not so much subject to the media.

It’s not just these people who want the government: “desolates”

Labeling people rejecting the dilettantism of the government barely lasted a year and a half. The situation today is such that 85% of the public does not support Fiala and his mastermind of poverty and ruin, but on the contrary, strongly rejects and calls for his resignation or strenuously requests his dismissal.

At the same time, it became very possible to see who was on the side of a coalition of five individually unelectable parties, with anonymous people in their background. No one previously knew Mrs. Adamová-Pekarová, no one knew Mr. Fiala, and some of the politicians of the cabinet are still unknown to this day, as it became clear after the dismissal of the Minister for Science. (What is her name?).

The full did not believe the hungry

The well-fed and well-fed people, as the saying goes that the full don’t trust the hungry, still make up a little more than 10% of the voters of ODS, the party founded by Václav Klaus and at the same time led by Petr Fiala. This coalition of five did not “create” more fed people, but created countless tens of thousands of starving people from several layers of society, affecting even the middle – previously well-secured – class of workers and tradesmen. At first, the public looked at the bankrupt entrepreneurs with calmness, some with gratitude, before it happened to them too and things started to get bad!

The success of the government became ruin and Petr Fiala became its main symbol. Attacks by the media and a number of people in the comments above desolate and disinformation, who complained about inflation in the rise in the prices of all food items were in vain. And the media promotion of the Czech, desirous of honors in Brussels, did not meet with success.

Distrust of the media grew

The Czech public suddenly did not take the media seriously – why? The government created labels, a system of a kind of semi-censorship, condemnation of others and gave it a clear direction: full of labels and pushing those who are against the government – pushing them to the margins of society.

However, this did not meet with long-term success, and the public response became hatred.

People saw through and realized that servility to the government and pro-government statements in the media will not fill their bellies. “You are on the fringes of society – you are the bottom of humanity”, could be read in many places, and one had to wonder why there is so much indignation in a democratic society over the natural criticism of the deteriorating economy, and those who brought this misfortune? After all, 85% of people, the “desolates”, cannot be moved to the fringes of society.

Surprisingly, people did not miss it and thought about the question, why do the media support the government, which even Mr. Kalousek himself writes is incompetent? – It’s hard to say, probably some writing pro-government propagandists and political scientists did not study economics. It is therefore not surprising that they supported something they did not understand. And lo and behold, it’s still there, and even now a few more non-voters of Fiala’s clique.

85% have become 90% opposed, but Fiala and the coalition still claim to win the election. They are together after all.

In the comments on such statements, posts began to be heard, suspecting the prime minister of an inability to understand reality. Even Kalousek hardened. However, some of the more astute in government have understood that defense is offense, that staged gestures have the power to continue to influence the media. And so we soon met in the public media space with praise in the TV newspapers, for Mr. Prime Minister, that he is still calm and that his calmness is legendary. Psychiatrists may have a different opinion, however, peace is not always what it seems. There are more variants. Peace of mind can bring a selfish person with hidden sociopathy the assurance of their own perfect financial security, even if it causes depression in others due to lack of funds for basic survival.

Inflation versus self-centeredness

Rising food prices do not bother the Prime Minister and the coalition of five personally, they don’t even bother them at all, while they trouble and directly torture everyone around them.

However, it turned out that this is far from all. The approval of retirement at the age of 67 is perhaps the latest display of government sociopathy in a long line of previous horrors than in June the people in the first anti-government election will give this government calm, your first goodbye. At the second farewell, in October of next year, there will be a group calm still at ease; they don’t have a lot of money saved up.

He is already looking forward to the tractor

They can make a living in different ways, Mr. Jurečka still has his tractor under the roof of the shed, Mr. Fiala, the teacher, can teach Czech again, and Mrs. Pekarová, an engineer from Prague, sells mobile phones, so they don’t have to worry about insolvency.

However, perhaps for the first time, they will then understand that they will no longer be able to live as contentedly from these previously well-paying professions as they did before they entered the government. Inflation continues to rise, and will remain high – despite the increasingly false and played-out pretense and statements that we are all doing well.

The perspective of persistent poverty

No way, we don’t have it and we won’t have it, all the more so because the state’s indebtedness is risky, and above all, the poverty of the nation is decimating. No one will solve this situation of the approaching future by any form of economic management. It won’t be easy anymore. And even if Elon Musk ruled us and stuffed billions into us.

The article is in Czech

Tags: Fials government brought pain misery continues lead Czech Republic ruin
