The government recalled the ambassador to Russia, the Czech Republic will not be at Putin’s inauguration

The government recalled the ambassador to Russia, the Czech Republic will not be at Putin’s inauguration
The government recalled the ambassador to Russia, the Czech Republic will not be at Putin’s inauguration

Lipavsk personally scolded Pivok for his behavior in Moscow, the diplomacy added. We are working intensively on the new ambassador. The current ambassador was on leave. Vm, that the new ambassador of the Czech Republic will appear one day, he said according to Lipavsk on Nov.

He did not want to comment on the time horizon of Pivok’s successor and his name, which is usual until the succession process is complete. According to two copper speculations, Daniel Kotoval, a diplomat and former deputy at the Ministry of Defense, could join Moscow.

On whether or not to have an ambassador in Moscow during the current Russian military aggression against Ukraine, the building block has been debating for some time. President Petr Pavel stated at the end of the week that it was a matter of confusion between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government and the Castle.

For a long time, I have felt the need to be represented in Russia at the level of ambassador. The question is whether the situation is suitable for this at this particular time, said the president. However, due to the length of the process, it may be good to work with you, Mr. And if a suitable situation arises, make it happen, he added.

Inauguration of the Russian president without eska

Minister Lipavsk said on Sunday on social media X that the current relations between the Czech Republic and Russia are not suitable for the representative of the Czech Embassy to attend the inauguration of the Russian president.

The current relations of the ESC with Russia are not suitable for a representative of our embassy to participate in the inauguration of the Russian president on Tuesday.

May 5, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. pspvek archived: May 5, 2024 at 1:11 p.m.

The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the 18th of this year that the presidential elections in Russia were not transparent and democratic.

At the time, it pointed to the systematic suppression of Russian Obansk society, independent coppers and any sign of opposition. It recalled that the elections were held during the time of the aggressive wolf against Ukraine. According to the ministry, Czech Republic will not hold elections in the Ukrainian lands occupied by Moscow, and has declared the polling station in them to be an illegitimate election fraud.

According to the ministry, the elections in Russia did not meet international standards. We know that the citizens should first choose their leadership in truly free and democratic elections, said the Armenian thumb in the past.

The article is in Czech


Tags: government recalled ambassador Russia Czech Republic Putins inauguration
