We know how to claim insurance in the event of a traffic accident

We know how to claim insurance in the event of a traffic accident
We know how to claim insurance in the event of a traffic accident

Who is entitled to liability insurance in the event of an accident?

If during a traffic accident k injury, you can claim adequate compensation from the culprit’s insurance company. They can request compensation for damage not only driverswho were not responsible for the accident, but also Fr passengers (from the culprit’s vehicle, of course), cyclists or pedestrianswho were injured during a traffic accident.

In practice, you are not only entitled to compensation for harm to health or lifebut also compensation property damage. In this case, compensation is paid from the liability insurance of the guilty party. In case he is guilty unknown or does not have valid liability insurancethe fulfillment of the insurance event will be taken over Czech office of insurerswhich will pay compensation in connection with the injury.

Our tip: If you pay for accident or life insurance for these and other specific cases, you can also claim insurance benefits from your own insurance company. With some liability policies, the driver of the vehicle is even insured, so that the person responsible for the accident can also receive compensation.

You are entitled to various compensations that can run into millions

If the no-fault traffic accident damages may request several types of compensation. First of all, it is about painful, to which the injured party is entitled immediately after the first visit to the doctor. Another substitute are cost of treatment, eventual costswhich are associated with taking care of the injured party’s health or household.

Of course, you can also ask for the person responsible for the accident travel expenses (e.g. to medical facilities, to a physiotherapist, etc.). These reimbursements include not only public transport tickets, but also fuel when traveling in your own car.

It is also a specific category compensation for loss of earnings, which the injured party can apply for after the end of incapacity for work or upon recognition of disability. In this case, the person asks the guilty party’s insurance company to pay the difference between the income before and after the accident.

The last category is compensation for permanent consequences. If the injured party continues to have health complications (first one year after the car accident after the health condition has stabilized), he can apply for compensation for permanent consequences. The aforementioned compensation is usually the highest form of compensation, and for its calculation an expert opinion on the determination of non-property damage to health is drawn up.

The above-mentioned compensations for injuries after a traffic accident mostly cannot be applied at once. Every refund is applied at another point in time, which can make the situation quite complicated for the layman. That’s why it’s always good contact compensation specialistswho have considerable experience not only with the entire compensation process, but also with individual insurance companies.

How to pay an adequate insurance benefit?

Paying the insurance premium is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Every case is extremely individual and can often discourage the layman amount of paperwork and endless bureaucracy. That’s why it’s good to turn to compensation specialists, who have considerable experience in enforcing adequate claims. Their reward is calculated by prior agreement percentage of the recovered amount. So you don’t pay anything upfront.

Payment of insurance premiums is possible up to three years retroactively (specific cases even four years, e.g. compensation for hindering social application) from the occurrence of the harmful event. All you have to do is grant the aforementioned specialist power of attorney and hand over to him all medical reports. A great advantage of this service is also the fact that within the normal cases when the treatment is finished, it takes time payment of insurance benefits roughly one month from receiving the necessary documents.

Info source: Tomáš Moser, specialist in compensation.

Media source: Depositphotos.

The article is in Czech

Tags: claim insurance event traffic accident
