Everything you want to know about the weather. Sencor SWS 12500 weather station against Netatm and toys from AliExpress

Everything you want to know about the weather. Sencor SWS 12500 weather station against Netatm and toys from AliExpress
Everything you want to know about the weather. Sencor SWS 12500 weather station against Netatm and toys from AliExpress

OFNobody really needs the temperature inside and outside the house or the dew point to the nearest tenth of a degree. Nevertheless, apps showing detailed weather information are extremely popular. Watching the weather can be a passion or an obsession. So big that information from the website may not be enough. And then the domestic weather stations start.

Own sources of weather data also come in handy in a smart home when trying to optimize heating and cooling costs. Monitoring air humidity or information about sunshine is also related to this. And so we tried the “professional” weather station Sencor SWS 12500 and compared it with the legendary Netatmo system and cheap little things from AliExpress.

You still have 90% of the article left

What will you read next?

  • What a weather station can do for demanding users.
  • How Sencor SWS 12500 succeeded in practice and where it has weaknesses.
  • Who is more suitable for cheap small thermometers and what is the ideal.

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The article is in Czech

Tags: weather Sencor SWS weather station Netatm toys AliExpress


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