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A scream chased him away. The man who molested a young girl in Chomutov got scared and ran away

He ran up to her and reached into her crotch. The girl started screaming loudly, the aggressor got scared and ran away. The young woman gave him a good description, and the police arrested him within an hour. A 19-year-old girl was molested by a 23-year-old man in Chomutov near the bike path at the intersection of Dostojevského and Krátká streets. He faces up to three years behind bars.

Police of the Czech Republic. Illustrative photo.

| Photo: Lukáš Kaboň

The harassment happened in the morning. “When a 19-year-old girl was walking through a place near the bike path at the intersection of Dostojevského and Krátká streets, she was overtaken by an unknown man who, without saying a word, reached her palm into her crotch from behind. She was startled and let out a loud cry, then turned to the man and saw that her loud reaction had also startled him and he was startled himself. She then continued screaming and the person in question ran away,” described police spokeswoman Miroslava Glogovská.

The attacked girl reported the incident to the police within a few minutes and described the man in detail. Patrols all over Chomutov began looking for the attacker. “While searching the wider area of ​​the scene, one of the patrols noticed a man matching this description. The police stopped him, identified him and detained him. The investigator charged the twenty-three-year-old Chomutovan, who confessed to the described conduct, with committing the crime of disorderly conduct that day,” the police spokeswoman continued.

The man had done something similar before. “Because he was previously punished by court for similar conduct, he is now threatened with up to three years in prison,” added Miroslava Glogovská.

Source: Diary/Miroslava Šebestová

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