A woman enticed a man from Lounsk for a walk. Meanwhile, the cronies were robbing his house


They met on the Internet. A sixty-five-year-old man from Lounsko invited a woman for a personal meeting, and they eventually went on a tour of the pastures with her friend. But the senior had no idea that his companion’s motives were not entirely pure. While they were walking around, her cronies were robbing his house. But the man returned home before the thieves expected. An argument ensued, the perpetrators also tried to play a show, claiming to be the jealous husbands of the women. It continued with threats and violence. Although the bandits left with part of the loot, the police quickly tracked them down. Now they face a few years behind bars.

Thief. Illustrative photo.

| Photo: Shutterstock

The four perpetrators looked up their victim on the Internet. In mid-April, one of the women met a 65-year-old man from Louńsk through social networks. She expressed interest in a personal meeting, so they agreed. “She did not arrive at the agreed place, at the victim’s house, alone, she had another woman with her. After some time of conversation, they went together to inspect the nearby pastures,” said police spokesman Jakub Mareš.

It was supposed to be a pleasant day. But… “Unbeknownst to the homeowner, one of the ladies had made his residence available to her two cronies,” the police spokesman continued.

The men were stealing, but the victim unexpectedly surprised them. “According to the crime experts, while the person in question was on a walk with a company of ladies and the house was empty, a pair of paws entered him. However, the unsuspecting man and his company unexpectedly returned to the house a little earlier, as he had arranged a ride for himself and the ladies from his acquaintance from the pastures. Upon arrival, he discovered that the door in the house was ajar,” Mareš described.

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So he went to look around his house and caught the two unfamiliar faces. The thieves tried to stage a play, but to no avail. “During the meeting, the pair of men should have made up a story that the victim’s companions were their wives, whom they were looking for, and the game of ‘jealous husbands’ began. But they had no idea that the 65-year-old man would notice the things that the two had previously prepared for theft. “There was an argument between one of the uninvited guests and the owner of the house, a physical confrontation and, to make matters worse, a demand for cash under the threat of violence,” the police spokesman continued.

The man finally gave some money to the perpetrators, then they threatened him that if he reported everything to the police, he would take away some of the scar on his body. Then the four left with part of the loot. But the victim was not lazy and reported the theft to the police. Criminals quickly tracked down the four thieves. And accused of burglary, extortion, robbery, theft and unauthorized provision of means of payment.

illustrative photo

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“Based on the information found, the investigator accused a 26-year-old man from Mělník of committing the crime of robbery, the crime of trespassing and the crime of extortion. If found guilty by the court, he faces up to ten years in prison. A 57-year-old man from Mladá Boleslav was also charged with the crime of theft, the crime of trespassing and the crime of extortion. Based on the court’s decision, the person in question is placed in a remand prison and faces up to eight years behind bars if found guilty. A 30-year-old woman from Mělnice and a 36-year-old woman from Prague are accused of committing the crime of theft and the crime of unauthorized use, forgery and altering a means of payment. If the court finds them guilty, they face a prison sentence of up to two years,” summed up police spokesman Jakub Mareš.

And by the way. When an acquaintance of the victim was driving the hikers back home from the pastures, the women stole his wallet.

Source: Diary/Petr Kinšt


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