Graduations have started. According to the teachers, it was easy, but the students were troubled by logarithms

Graduations have started. According to the teachers, it was easy, but the students were troubled by logarithms
Graduations have started. According to the teachers, it was easy, but the students were troubled by logarithms

For example, 20-year-old Antonn, who is studying at an industrial secondary school in Brno, took the mathematics exam on Thursday. The exam went well for me, I was preparing for the test from previous years. That flight was not the lightest, but it certainly suited me better than the ones from recent years, said

But Antonn probably didn’t succeed in all his attempts. He gave me the first load the hardest, I let him be and kept coming back to him and finally, and I think it’s stupid, me. In this case, there are two intervals for each hour.

Other high school graduates did not succeed in the arrest either. The most difficult were beds seven and eight. There was a logarithm, I can’t do that, says student Anna from Prague.

Agree, eat it mate Tom. I don’t think I gave those lies at all, maybe I’ll find points elsewhere, I hope.

Stedokol teacher Zdeka Heroldov praised her students. Mm super happy, they gave it!!! One even 46 points! Mm it’s spotan. But they didn’t like you that first lie, they kept coming back at the end, she wrote in Facebook groups for educators.

Mathematics teacher Michaela Jerhotov from Prague’s Malostranskho Gymnzia agrees with this. My students complained that they drank tk logs at the end and were the lightest at the end, k.

High school graduation for warehouse

In more detail, Adam Astn, a mathematics teacher from the Brno gymnasium, failed the didactic test in mathematics, comparing it to a liar. I thought for a second that I was looking at the test for the ninth grade. It’s really a lot more than the high school diploma from previous years. I don’t know if it’s right, think the teacher.

The types of jobs are the same as in the previous tests, but the students are much more demanding. There is not even a single 3D body, only one sphere, otherwise the contents of the rectangle for the base circle itself, summarized the person.

English was bad

On Thursday afternoon, the high school graduates took a joint exam in English. It was very simple, but I go to the English class in your group, it’s C1 or C2, and the Zermatt matriculation is at the level of B1, B2, according to An from the Prague gymnasium.

According to her, listening was clear. Some of the stories were presented quite unrealistically, in fact it made sense at times, but everything turned out to be completely fine. The links we had to use were to link you from the BBC or from Wikipedia, continued the high school graduate.

He saw the vision of his comrade Radan. I took the test t잚. I was preparing with the help of one of the last graduation exams and I’m also in the best group, so maybe it will be the same, but Cermat uses really good simple English and everything is clear. I would say that it was two, laughed the student.

Markta also passed the test with flying colours, which is on the contrary in one of the worse groups. I’m in five groups, so I’m not that English, but I agree with the girls. In class we are preparing for nronj tests, this one was very simple. You and no one else were in the etin, which I drank my own sacrifice under between languages, not if it was all in English, but you will help someone, she repeated.

The graduating students added that in the morning it took me an hour to get to work, and in the end, all of them left around two.

Students often chose the mathematics exam because it is only a didactic test, so they will have fewer exams than if they had chosen a foreign language. This year, 75,609 students are going to graduate, which is 5.4 percent more than last year.

About 18 percent of them chose a high school diploma in mathematics. A fifth of the so-called first matriculation students, about 80 percent, took the English exam on Thursday afternoon.

The article is in Czech

Tags: Graduations started teachers easy students troubled logarithms


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