They don’t do anything and voters leave them anyway… Kalousek was having fun with the numbers for Fiala


05/07/2024 18:22 | Monitoring

Miroslav Kalousek has been warning the government of Petr Fiala for a long time that they are not fulfilling their bold plans for the recovery of Czech public finances. Rumors behind the scenes say that the government is afraid of losing voters by taking drastic unpopular steps. However, according to Kalouska, a look at public opinion polls shows that the government has lost voters, even if it continues to increase the country’s debt.


Screen: YouTube

Description: Miroslav Kalousek

In the public sphere, Kalousek regularly beats the government for not fulfilling its goals for the consolidation of public finances. For example, the approved budget for this year, which anticipates a huge deficit, is a thorn in his side.

“This year is the first year since 2019 when no extraordinary expenses (covid, energy compensation) are budgeted. Modest growth and much lower inflation are expected. Just ‘normal economic times’. Yet we enter it with an approved central government deficit of 270 billion.

This is a serious structural problem, a symptom of serious illness. To refer to such a state as ‘healthy public finances’ is not only false, but also irresponsible and dangerous. It creates the impression that the problem does not actually exist and that there is no need to fundamentally solve it. By not solving it, we condemn ourselves to fatal consequences,” wrote Kalousek in one of his tweets.

Even though the government is not making drastic austerity measures like Kalousek did when he was finance minister, the governing parties continue to fall in the election polls. According to the latest Median survey TOP 09 and KDU-ČSL would not get into the Chamber of Deputies at all, which would receive only 3.5% of the votes. Only 13% would vote for the second ODS, while the first ANO has a huge lead and almost 33% of voters.

Pirates (10%) and Starostov (8%) would also get into the House of Representatives from the government parties. The SPD has been hovering around 10% for a long time. No other party including SOCDEM (4.5%), KSČM (3.5%) or the parties PRO (3%) and Trikolor (1.5%) would make it to the House of Representatives.

Kalousek comments on the permanent decline in the popularity of government parties on Facebook. “Over these polls, I always hear the words of my former colleagues from the governing parties: ‘If we cut state spending and did the reforms we promised, we would lose voters.’

However, it does not seem that voters particularly appreciate the reluctance to put the state budget in order. Losing voters because I did a piece of thankless but necessary work can still be lived with. But losing them because I didn’t do anything really hurts…,” Kalousek responded ironically.

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author: Jakub Makarovič

The article is in Czech


Tags: dont voters leave anyway .. Kalousek fun numbers Fiala


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