Marijuana harms the young brain, but it hasn’t killed anyone | iRADIO


Starting Monday, Germany will legalize the consumption of recreational cannabis. Should the Czech Republic follow suit? “Synthetic cannabinoids that are 30 times stronger than THC are rushing here, prepared in chemical workshops that don’t care if they will destroy your health or if they will protect it,” Jiří Stabla, the founder of cannabis pharmacies, told Radiožurnál.

Twenty minutes of Radiojournal
20:56 April 1, 2024

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We have already talked about the fact that in Germany the number of plants and the number of grams are somehow limited. Do you believe that it is possible to monitor and, above all, to enforce the limits intended for recreational cultivation or use?
I believe this will reduce the black market. Whether the market will work in such a way that it will go crazy, or whether it will proceed according to what is recommended to it and what can be carried by law, that is the question. The question is how the Czech nation will do it, how the German nation will do it. Everyone is different.

Synthetics are a mess. If someone thinks that we will save society by banning these substances, it is nonsense, says cannabis activist Jiří Stabla

From personal experience – and I’ve been following this market for a quarter of a century, I’ve been active in it for 15 years – I know that if we legalize cannabis now, it’s very important for what’s happening here now.

Here come synthetic cannabinoids thirty times stronger than THC, prepared in chemical workshops that do not care if they will destroy your health or if they will protect it. It is simply done for profit.

As we informed Minister of Health Válk a year ago: there is a threat, children will end up in the hospital, we know it – they didn’t listen to us, basically they said they would do something about it, but they didn’t do it – so now we are announcing that the same problem will happen to do on an even larger scale than that hexahydroxycannabinolHHC, which they banned, because what is coming to us now is going to be really something unreal.

HHC ban? We have more serious problems, but everything needs to be solved, says anti-drug coordinator Vobořil

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And you are really convinced that if cannabis is legalized for recreational purposes, the black market for HHC, for example, because there are many of these substances, will not work? You yourself say it is for profit.
It won’t be. I don’t think it would work because now people are doing it for several reasons and the main one is that they are looking for synthetic cannabinoids because they don’t have the natural cannabinoids.

From the beginning, when the HHC came, it was announced that then drivers can drive and the police will not check them, and if they do, they will not “find out” – that’s nonsense. Sometimes it can happen that they also lie and come out positive in that test.

I think people will just always want the natural form of anything. They know they are doing something wrong with the synthetics, they just don’t know to what extent yet because there are no studies on synthetic cannabinoids. There is no EBM for it, which is what doctors want to see, so I am not surprised that it is not among doctors.

What is EBM?
This is shorthand for doctors when a substance goes through empirical experience, a clinical study, and then one more study on patients. This is what doctors want to know so that they can safely prescribe the substance and it can be included in the pharmacopoeia.

joint - marijuana

Germany legalizes the consumption of cannabis. People will be able to have up to 50 grams of the drug at home for recreational purposes

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We said that Germany is taking that step today. Do you have an example of a country where it works satisfactorily?
Now I’m back from New York, where there are several parties: some say it’s great, others say it’s not. It will always be somehow balanced.

Look, if it happened in New York, for example, that they could do those social clubs or give licenses to stores intended for the sale of cannabis faster, so the black market would really go down there more sharply.

It didn’t catch on a bit there, the black market was able to expand with the fact that it looked like it was legal and not illegal, but they are already fighting against it. However, there was no disaster. It did not happen that “new drug addicts” were formed, as one might think. It’s free, it is fresh and it is period.

I think that today we should be able to treat ourselves with a plant, when we know that it has basically not yet harmed anyone enough to paralyze him for life, for example.

When you look at the leading studies that are on cannabinoids and how they work on the human body, we know that you can’t overdose on them. And if so, to such an extent that it will not make us comfortable. It won’t happen that we die, for example.

The police accuse 11 foreigners of growing cannabis in rented Prague apartments

Foreigners grew cannabis in Prague apartments for millions. According to the police, the owners were not aware of this

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If you are talking about the United States, how does the state keep track of who is the grower, who is the distributor and who is the user? And then the question: does the state need to know?
Need to know the state? I think that the state should draw something from this for some time, because we will have to arrange several different obligations: for example, education, what does it do with children.

Thanks to the fact that in New York, for example, they have money from basically every gram of cannabis they sell, they have money from licenses, etc., so they can pay for prevention thanks to this.

For example, we know today that cannabis should not be used under the age of 25. This is due to the development of the cerebral cortex. Science says it: not only cannabinoids, but also other drugs should not be in the presence of a person until that age, because they are much more susceptible to them and they can deform their organs and further brain development.

For example, even the German Minister of Health said: we need to educate children so that they know that they should not deal with this before the age of twenty-five.

Cannabis will be partially legal in Germany

Partial legalization of recreational cannabis. The German parliament opened the way to liberalization

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And I think that makes sense. I have a twelve-year-old boy at home and if you look at what they are dealing with, they are already dealing with: cannabis? We don’t care if it’s HHC or whatever, it destroys the brain.

Today’s children are different at a younger age than we were. They already know why it is a threat to them.

However, the candy that was here and that is the biggest threat that makes me say that legalization or at least decriminalization is necessary is terribly important because that’s why we’re dealing with this today.

Which substances in the brain are cannabinoids similar to and what effect do they have? And why, according to Jiří Stable, does it not serve as a precursor to the use of hard drugs? Listen to the full interview.

Vladimír Kroc, jkh

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Tags: Marijuana harms young brain hasnt killed iRADIO


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