The police on horses dispersed the guests of the majales in Prague. They rioted about buying cups


The drama accompanied the conclusion of the Prague Majáles, when there was an incident between the spectators, the organizers and the summoned policemen. The organizers did not have enough money left to pay the advances for the cups. The participants started rioting and the police had to be called. Her driving force also intervened against the guests, as shown by footage from the scene. This was reported by the CNN Prima News server.

Crowds of visitors who came to the summer complex at the Prague Majáles were in for an unpleasant surprise when they left. When they wanted to return the cups, for which they paid a deposit of 70 crowns, they did not get the money back. The operators of one of the stands, which was intended to hand over plastic containers, did not have enough cash left to return the deposits. Gradually, a long queue formed, uncertainty prevailed among those present at first, which gradually turned into dissatisfaction.

People started rioting after the information was heard that no one would get 70 crowns back. Some participants threw objects at the organizers. “The crowd there started to sprinkle cups and chant ‘We want money’. They sprinkled them solidly. Then they piled tables on them, the security allegedly ran away,” one of the attendees, Michael Strnad, told the CNN Prima News server.

@b.lastovkova ok so this was a pruser and before you get into that it’s only 70 kc, so this is how majales made at least a bunch of mice on us dear ones


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