Trump claims he has half a billion dollars in fine cash | iRADIO

Trump claims he has half a billion dollars in fine cash | iRADIO
Trump claims he has half a billion dollars in fine cash | iRADIO

Former US President Donald Trump reportedly has cash ready to pay a fine of more than 10 billion crowns. He announced this on his social network Truth Social. The payment deadline is Monday. It is a punishment imposed on him by a civil court in New York for manipulating the financial reports of his companies. If Trump himself does not pay, the top attorney of the state of New York is going to start seizing his assets.

10:59 am March 23, 2024

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Former US President Donald Trump reportedly has cash ready to pay a fine of more than 10 billion crowns | Photo: Sam Wolfe | Source: Reuters

Donald Trump said he had nearly half a billion dollars in cash available to use on his campaign ahead of the fall presidential election. At the beginning of the week, his lawyers claimed that he could not repay such a large amount and wanted to ask for a postponement of the deadline for paying the fine.

But several insurance companies refused to guarantee for Trump that they would pay back the money in the future. New York’s top attorney Letitia James has already started preparing a decision on the execution of Trump’s real estate.

For example, the Trump Tower skyscraper or the Seven Springs golf club located north of New York City.

Pavel Novak

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