Kate is undergoing chemotherapy to keep her cancer from returning, the doctor explains

Kate is undergoing chemotherapy to keep her cancer from returning, the doctor explains
Kate is undergoing chemotherapy to keep her cancer from returning, the doctor explains

What can we imagine under the term preventive chemotherapy? However, it is very difficult for the patients and it is a stubborn method for it to be only so-called preventive.
I realize that this is an incorrect nomenclature. We understand the term preventive in the way that the scalp should prevent tumor formation, but in this indication, chemotherapy really does not work. Princess Kate wanted to make it clear that she would be receiving chemotherapy to prevent her tumor from coming back. On the contrary, this is the main reason why chemotherapy is used, it is professionally called adjuvant. It is not at all surprising that it is really difficult for patients to understand why they should go through a long and unpleasant scalp associated with frequent hair loss, nausea and other sufferings at a time when you don’t have a sore throat in the oven, because they were radically resected.

After the operation, I have the feeling that they got rid of the cancer for good.
But that is the insidiousness of cancer, which even if the surgeon has removed all the visible signs of cancer, still makes me shiver. The reason is the tumor remnants of a malignant tumor, which are so small that we cannot recognize them with the available imaging method, but each such tumor can become a seed from which a tumor will grow again in the same place, or move to another organ and be the source formation of metastasis. The system’s head after the operation should catch up with these beech trees or rather pede them and dispose of them and thus roll them higher, so that they don’t move around. However, a major problem is the uncertainty as to whether the patient needs surgery or not, because the residual tumor disease cannot yet be accurately diagnosed. We infer the probable presence of the rest of the tumor cells based on information about the original tumor, which is paradoxically two years old at the time of its closure. I had an initial tumor, more aggressive, that is, for the patient, this is a headache for the skull. In the case of some tumors, we can read the genetic makeup of the beech tumors and better estimate whether the tumor is good enough that the patient can forgive this procedure with a clear conscience.

Pay that if the tumor is large, aggressive, fast-growing, the patient will undergo at least two operations to eliminate the main problem and then the rest, i.e. chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the like?
the oncological tumor of the malignant tumor is bad at these basic things: the correct choice of counter-tumor of the skull, (different tumors are eliminated by different skulls), on the correct order of the cranial steps, (sometimes it is necessary to operate first, other times it is better to change the tumor with an oncological skull or radiotherapy and to carry out the operation only after that) and so he turned his head at speed. Although in the course of diagnosing the disease we must always be sure that the patient really has a malignant tumor and, before starting therapy, find out exactly how and where it is going, the time from the first grasp to the turning of the skull is crucial for the rush of therapy.

The procedure, when the patient undergoes chemotherapy and surgery at least twice, and then there is a total ast. I agree, it’s a matter of changing it, not an approach to its removal, but the layman sometimes perceives it as a cheap approach. If I find out that there is a hole in the bottom, the first thing that comes to my mind is: get rid of it as soon as possible!
Song like that. This helped to complicate the situation, to explain to the patient that although we know there is a dangerous malignant tumor, but we will not operate on it, and on the contrary, we will cover the systemic skull and we will only observe if the tumor changes. It is very difficult for a mentally ill person to walk for another six months or even with cancer in the body. In some situations, however, this is the best course of action. If the tumor is large, has traveled to the lymph nodes, or has spread to the liver or another organ, or is extremely aggressive, the trick is to stop its progress through the patient’s body and stop the tumor from metastasizing. This procedure can even be useful, all the time we can check the head with the help of the display screens, so we know exactly whether the head is working or not and we can change it accordingly. It also has a psychological impact, because if the patient sees that the therapy really changes the pain, his nervousness gradually disappears.

How long does chemotherapy usually last, what are the symptoms and what are the worst side symptoms?
Adjuvant chemotherapy usually lasts ten to six months, depending on the type of tumor and chemotherapy chosen. Chemotherapy regimens can be combined with joint therapy or immunotherapy, and thus increase their effectiveness. Hormonal hair loss can last for five or more years, it sticks to sleep, and its purpose is to prevent the return of the disease in hormonally elevated tumors that return even after many years. The principle behind chemotherapy is that the cytostatic drug affects the tumor cells in the palm of the hand through various mechanisms, thereby inhibiting its growth and gradually eating away from it a hundred damaged tumor cells that are unable to continue and die. The same mechanism also damages healthy long body cells, from which the bones of this skull arise. Chemotherapy damages blood cells, first white, later red and platelets, patients may lose hair, feel nausea, nausea, weakness, the skull could damage the heart, kidneys or nerves. In practice, this does not happen, because we have many means to prevent the appearance of minor acne and, if it appears, how to effectively treat it. Chemotherapy is unnecessary, because it is not as dangerous as it is traditionally believed.

Men the risk of the cancer returning

Is a hospital stay necessary?
Not at all. Today, clinical oncology is a fixed outpatient field. The patient goes to a station or to one-day hospitals, where he undergoes the application of chemotherapy, which has been individually prepared for him in the clinic, on a bed or chair. After completing the application, equipped with a supporting head to prevent unwanted inks, go home again.

Petra Tesaov (63)

A Czech clinical oncologist and hematologist, he works at the Oncology Clinic of the 1st Lkask Faculty of Charles University and at the General Faculty Hospital in Prague.

He thus devotes himself to medical education, teaches and publishes in the Czech Republic and abroad.

If a patient undergoes intensive chemotherapy during pregnancy, is there a risk that the cancer will grow back?
Yes, that is the washout of adjuvant chemotherapy. We don’t want the patient to suffer unnecessarily with a headache with unintelligible signs, but patients must endure the troubles associated with this therapy for you, hoping that they will fully recover and will never need another oncological headache. The indication for adjuvant therapy is decided by a multidisciplinary team, a collective of experienced and young oncologists, radiotherapists, and other specialists who depend on the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms. The indication for this therapy is that if we give it too much, we will kill half a year of the patient’s life and put him at risk of dying from brain damage.

How does a patient’s life usually turn out after undergoing surgery and starting chemotherapy?
After the initial chemotherapy is completed, in some cases, the patient undergoes radiotherapy, with the same effect, to eliminate the forgotten tumor of the beech and to prevent the return of the disease in the same place where the operation took place. Then it’s time for convalescence. Chemotherapy is lengthy, completed at oncology in relatively short intervals. A malignant tumor and its head determine the patient’s quality of life so far. After the end of the skull, in most oncology patients, a head massage is indicated and it is time to gradually move back to normal life. However, regular oncology checks are necessary to ensure that the tumor does not return. If the patient receives adjuvant therapy, and this is great at first even for Princess Kate, it means that he will be fully recovered. When choosing therapy, we also calculate that life after cancer will be long and should also be of good quality. We don’t give a damn about anyone.

Chemotherapy is mainly aimed at rapidly dividing beech trees, which do not have as good a capacity for regeneration as previously exfoliated beech trees. Healthy beeches will withstand chemotherapy. But that’s probably just a general characteristic of how chemotherapy works, isn’t it?
For a layman, it sounds a bit primitive, but it really is true that tumorous tumors in the phase of the palm are sensitive to chemotherapy, not the healthy ones, and it lasts according to them, not recover. The principle is to give the patient such a dose and the right combination of appropriate chemotherapy that it kills as many malignant cells as possible and does not damage the healthy ones. Then we usually have to wait for a while, and the healthy ones recover, but not slowly, otherwise the sick ones would recover. That is why, in particular, the scalp is always cycled with a precise interval between cycles.

Is it true that modern types of chemotherapy are able to target the tumor much better first and not hurt the others so much?
Chemotherapy, whether historical or new, always works on the same principle. However, we have new options for skull systems that are more involved, rather than the tumor itself, to heal the tumors or even, in the case of immunotherapy, to stimulate the immune system of the patient to deal with the tumor on its own. It would seem that during the day there should be chemotherapy somewhere in the oncology museum. However, it is still used and, somewhat paradoxically, in the second case it is also combined with modern scalpel or immunotherapy. The reason is the variety of malignant nods, which are made up of both nodular beeches with the presence of a target suitable for the etheric skull, as well as beeches without this target. Here, he gave a full dose of chemotherapy to his irreplaceable bed, because he did not look at how the biological purpose of the beech can be destroyed on the surface or inside, but if he wants to divide, he simply destroys it. Chemotherapy in oncology has certainly not had the last word yet.

The number of patients with cancer due to the length of the doit will increase. Is it true that the research of new medical procedures and drugs will go at the same pace?
The number of malignant tumors is really growing dynamically. It is a civilized disease, and our skulls are saved even in oncology patients who are prone to the development of other tumors, so in our clinics patients with two, three, those and more malignant tumors are also rapidly treated. However, the development of new drugs, thanks to massive research efforts, is probably growing faster. Every year we receive a new therapeutic, the result of which is hope for patients with an incurable stage of cancer. If we are able to pour them out, they may receive therapy that will be able to pour them out. In this direction, there seems to be no problem.

The question is who will pay for the research and then the main road.
That’s right, I wouldn’t like to end up in a situation where I know how to help the sick, but it will be financially unavailable. Due to the connection between Czech oncology and European research, we will soon know how the situation will turn out in other countries. Our patients and their relatives usually have no idea how expensive and different the health insurance company in the Czech Republic is for them, and if not, how much effort the oncologist has to exert in order for the insurance company to pay for the necessary insurance.

The article is in Czech

Tags: Kate undergoing chemotherapy cancer returning doctor explains


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