The intersection of death near Nepomuk is being repaired. It will be safer


Pavel Bouda

reporter Pilsenský deník

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The tragic traffic accident at the intersection of road I/20 near Nepomuk in southern Pilsen with the turnoff to the village of Klášter in February of last year was perhaps the last one that happened in this place.

The dangerous intersection near Nepomuk with the turnoff to the village of Klášter is the site of frequent accidents. Its construction began.

| Video: Diary/Pavel Bouda

Drivers heading to Nepomuk were often surprised by a confusing turn, which followed a long straight after the village of Měcholupy. The descending road disappears from the driver’s view behind a break in the terrain and bends sharply to the right. And it is at this point that there is a left turn to the village of Klášter. If someone turned at this point, the fast-moving car behind him had almost no chance to react, and very dangerous situations arose here. To make matters worse, the road in these places is often wet due to the nearby river flow and freezes very quickly in winter. According to the traffic accident map of the Police of the Czech Republic, there have already been thirty recorded accidents in these places in the last four years alone.

“I know it there very well, I used to drive there myself with the utmost caution and when turning, I put on my blinker well ahead in order to warn the cars behind me in time that I was going to slow down,” says the mayor of Klášter Lukáš Brož.

Source: Diary/Pavel Bouda

The dangerous intersection is therefore starting to be fundamentally modified these days. So far, trees and invasive plants have been cut down on the site, and agricultural fencing has also been removed. In the coming months, construction work will take place here during partial closures of the main thoroughfare, which will fundamentally change the shape of the intersection. The municipality of Klášter already sold some surrounding land, important for its reconstruction, to the Directorate of Roads and Highways. The intersection can now be widened, the sharp road curve will be softened and the road will be leveled.

“In the direction from Pilsen, a new turning lane will be established and the connection to the secondary third-class road III/11747 will also be modified. In addition, one of the culverts on the route and adjacent entrances and exits will be modified,” Adam Koloušek from the Directorate of Roads and Highways calculates further construction modifications, adding that the partial closure of the I/20N road is allowed until January of the following year. However, the ŘSD plans to put the repaired section into operation earlier.

“It’s certainly good news. Although the reconstruction will temporarily cause some complications in traffic, the place will be much safer. After all, we all still remember the last fatal accident,” adds the Kláštera mayor.

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According to ŘSD, the construction modification of the dangerous intersection will cost 27.2 million crowns.


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