What did 20 years in the European Union give the Czech Republic? Answer in the Journal’s questionnaire


What do you think about the European Union? Does it make sense to be in it? How much does it help us? What benefits do you use? What do you dislike about the EU? This year, the Czech Republic celebrates twenty years since it joined the European Community, and Deník.cz has prepared a series and a large survey for this anniversary, in which it asks its readers about practical questions related to the European Union.

What did 20 years in the European Union give the Czech Republic? Answer in the Journal’s questionnaire

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Source: DiaryAt the same time, this year we and all other member countries are waiting for the next elections to the European Parliament. And this at a time when Czech society is divided on many issues. The functionality of the European Union is one of them. Is there a threat of a Czech version of Brexit? When should we adopt the euro? And should we accept him at all?

“The questionnaire and the topics arising from it form one of the lines of the project, which the editors prepared for the anniversary of the Czech Republic’s return to the economic space of traditional Europe under the simple title 20 years in the EU,” noted Deníku.cz editor-in-chief Tomáš Herman.

The survey questions were created by the editorial team, and Deník.cz asks about both basic political topics and things that directly affect people’s everyday lives. “We are interested, among other things, in how much they use advantages such as cheap calls from abroad or travel without obstacles. So are any inconveniences associated with the EU,” added Herman.

Deník’s large questionnaire about the Czech Republic’s membership in the union is another in a series of surveys prepared by Deník.cz. In addition to social topics, in which we asked about your addictions or how Czechs love, in recent years the editorial team also offered polls on more serious topics.

“The strongest interest was in the questionnaire about the Russian-Ukrainian war, where tens of thousands of people answered, one of the last questionnaires about activism and influencing everyday life by activists was also very successful,” added Deník.cz editor-in-chief Roman Gallo.

How to answer the Journal questionnaire

  • Online: by filling out the form at www.denik.cz/anketa
  • If the online form does not suit you, you can also send completed questionnaire from the newspaper. It first came out on Wednesday, March 27, and several more times throughout April. Please send such a questionnaire to us by April 24, 2024 (inclusive) to the address: Vltava Labe Media, central editorial office of Deník, U Trezorky 921/2, 158 00 Prague 5. Write your password on the envelope “Poll Diary”.


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